ARCH 2024

Advanced Revascularization-Chapter XVII (ARCH 2024) Symposium

The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis, in St. Louis, Missouri
April 17 - 19, 2024

Physician Certificate

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Did this activity:
Meet the stated learning objectives?

Interpret the pivotal coronary disease management trials of the past year and how they can be applied to bedside patient management in 2024

Identify the role of adjunctive imaging and physiology for diagnosis and management of complex cardiovascular disease

Comprehend the expanding role of the Heart Team Approach

Discuss interventional approaches to end stage heart failure patients

Evaluate the development of new technology-imaging modalities, IVUS, OCT, MRA, and CT angiography


Explain practical techniques relating to highly stenosed lesions and the use of percutaneous left ventricular assist devices (LVAD)

Differentiate the distinction between the specific clinical features of appropriate use criteria and the evidence-based summaries on which PCI guidelines are developed

Discuss the indications, benefits, and relative risk of radial artery based coronary interventions

Describe strategies to improving quality and cost reduction in the modern cath lab

Define technically difficult and high-risk subsets

Discuss the relative role of trans-catheter and surgical therapies for advanced structural heart disease, both valvular and non-valvular, and atrial fibrillation

Appraise serious complications - how to avoid them, how to treat them

List the risks of radiation and ways to minimize exposure

Discuss and review the latest in drug delivery technology for patients with PAD

Discuss patient selection and latest technology for treatment of VTE/PE


Meet the stated overall purpose/goal for this activity? 

To focus on evidence-based data, newer technological advances, case-based discussions, tips and tricks in complex cases, innovative therapeutic strategies that will enable physicians to treat their patients with high-risk and complex coronary, peripheral vascular and structural anatomy for the busy practicing physician and trainees

Please indicate which of the following is true regarding this educational activity (select all that apply):

I expect that my participation in this activity will improve my:
Knowledge gained from the new information presented?

Based on your participation in this activity, do you intend to change your practice behavior?

Please specify the type of change you plan to implement, in your practice (select all that apply):

This educational activity addressed the following American Board of Medical Specialties/Institute of Medicine core competencies (select all that apply):

Please indicate any barriers you perceive in implementing changes (select all that apply):

Was this activity free of commercial bias? If no, please comment below.

As a result of this activity, please share at least one action you will take to change your professional practice/performance.

Any other comments, you'd care to give:

I attest that I have completed the CME activity and I am only claiming the number of credits that are consistent with the hours of actual participation. Please select the hours of participation in the activity: Please select an item.